The heart runs on a coordinated electrical system

Screen EMF disrupts normal cardiovascular function.

Breast cancer ribbon in light of dangerous exposure to EMFs

Tech use incites cell death and depolarizes mitochondria, the energy motors of cells, triggering latent risk of tumors in the heart and breasts

Far-reaching pathophysiological changes occur in cardiovascular structure.

Visual of microscopic cellular activity in light of dangerous EMF exposure

Quantum biochemical exchanges are disturbed via altered membrane potentials and redistributed ionic and enzymatic activity resulting in

histopathological destruction in the arteries, veins and capillaries

Electric fields shuffle heart rate variability.

Heart rate variability is negatively impacted by EMF

Meta-analyses of cardiac function under various exposures reveal

irregular breathing, unpredictable modulations, higher blood pressure, increased pulse rates, as well as chaotic autonomic and parasympathetic systems